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- /* Network.h */
- #ifndef Included_Network_h
- #define Included_Network_h
- /* Network module depends on */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* Memory */
- /* EventLoop */
- /* Array */
- /* this is the AppleTalk PPCToolBox version of the Network module */
- /* ID number type of a network port being listened at */
- struct PortIDType;
- typedef struct PortIDType PortIDType;
- /* ID number of a communications session */
- struct SessionIDType;
- typedef struct SessionIDType SessionIDType;
- /* kind of network that you can ask for */
- typedef enum
- {
- eNetDefault EXECUTE(= -21234),
- eNetAppleTalk,
- eNetTCP
- } NetworkTypes;
- /* errors that can occur when dealing with ports */
- typedef enum
- {
- eNetNoError EXECUTE(= -9343),
- eNetNoMemory, /* not enough memory to allocate a new port record */
- eNetPortInUse, /* the port is already being used by another thing on the system */
- eNetBadPortString, /* the port string is not valid for the network in use */
- eNetBadMachineString, /* the machine name is not valid for this network */
- eNetMachineUnknown, /* the machine could not be reached; connection timed out */
- eNetNetworkNotAvailable, /* the network services are not available on machine */
- eNetCouldntInitNet, /* the network could not be initialized */
- eNetConnectRefused, /* connections was refused */
- eNetProtocolNotSupported, /* they asked for an unsupported communication protocol */
- eNetUnknownError /* who knows what went wrong */
- } NetErrors;
- /* events that can be returned from the network update function. these are */
- /* NOT the same as those from EventLoop and should not be used. */
- typedef enum
- {
- eNetEventNone EXECUTE(= -412), /* nothing is happening right now */
- eNetEventNewSession, /* new incoming session *SessionNumber has been established */
- eNetEventSessionClosed, /* the session *SessionNumber has been closed by remote */
- eNetEventDataIncoming, /* new data has arrived on session *SessionNumber */
- eNetEventInternal /* there is more work to be done, so call back soon */
- } NetEvents;
- /* initialize the network interface. the user calls this. it is not called from */
- /* the standard Level 0 initialization routine because not all programs need */
- /* networking. Could return eNetNoError, eNetNoMemory, eNetNetworkNotAvailable, */
- /* eNetCouldntInitNet, or eNetUnknownError */
- NetErrors InitializeNetwork(void);
- /* discard any pending data, close any open connections, and clean internal data */
- void ShutdownNetwork(void);
- /* Network update routine. It handles periodic update tasks and should be called */
- /* frequently (preferably in the main event loop next to GetAnEvent). */
- NetEvents NetUpdate(SessionIDType** SessionNumber);
- /* Listen at the specified port. Returns the reference number of the port being */
- /* listened at. PortString is a non-null-terminated heap block containing the string */
- /* identifying the port. The port string format depends on the underlying network */
- /* scheme. For instance, TCP/IP would be an integer between 128 and 9999. */
- /* for AppleTalk (NBP), it is a valid NBP name. Could return eNetNoError, */
- /* eNetNoMemory, eNetPortInUse, eNetBadPortString, eNetUnknownError, or */
- /* eNetProtocolNotSupported. */
- NetErrors NetListenAtPort(char* PortString, PortIDType** PortOut,
- NetworkTypes WhichNetwork);
- /* Stop listening at a port and let the OS use it for someone else. Sessions */
- /* established through this port are terminated. */
- void NetTerminatePortAndSessions(PortIDType* Port);
- /* Open a session to another (or the same) machine. Returns a session number in */
- /* *SessionOut. PortString is the remote port to connect to, as described above, */
- /* and MachineString is a machine string determined by the network stack. For */
- /* instance, TCP/IP would support standard a.b.c.d or machine.zone.domain format. */
- /* The Macintosh uses machine:type@zone. Could return eNetNoError, eNetNoMemory, */
- /* eNetBadPortString, eNetBadMachineString, eNetMachineUnknown, eNetUnknownError, */
- /* eNetConnectRefused, or eNetProtocolNotSupported. */
- NetErrors NetOpenSession(char* PortString, char* MachineString,
- SessionIDType** SessionOut, NetworkTypes WhichNetwork);
- /* Close a session. Any waiting data in either direction is discarded. */
- void NetCloseSession(SessionIDType* Session);
- /* Verify that a session is still usable. Returns True if the session is still */
- /* available, or False if the remote system disconnected it. If it returns False, */
- /* then you should call NetCloseSession to dispose of the session record. */
- MyBoolean NetIsSessionStillAlive(SessionIDType* Session);
- /* Obtain a string identifying the machine from which a session has been */
- /* established. The string is a non-null-terminated heap block. */
- char* NetSessionGetRemoteMachineName(SessionIDType* Session);
- /* Find out how much data is waiting to be read from the port. */
- long NetHowMuchDataToRead(SessionIDType* Session);
- /* Find out how much data is waiting in local buffers to be written to a port. */
- long NetHowMuchDataToWrite(SessionIDType* Session);
- /* Read data from a session. It is an error to read more data than there is waiting. */
- void NetReadData(SessionIDType* Session, char* Buffer, long NumBytes);
- /* Write data to a session. If data could not be sent without blocking, then */
- /* it is locally buffered until it can be sent (that's what NetUpdate is for) */
- /* returns True if successful, or False if there isn't enough memory. if it fails, */
- /* then NO data is written (i.e. data is never partially written) */
- MyBoolean NetWriteData(SessionIDType* Session, char* Buffer, long NumBytes);
- #endif